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Where Did You Get Those Genes?

You will need:
A journal
A pencil
A timer

You will:

Spend 20 minutes at the following site:

When you are finished, you will write a 75 word minimum, summary of everything you read and learned about genetics and inherited traits.

Our Classroom

In our classroom you will find community, consistency, cooperation, tradition and students who are self directed.
We have three basic rules:

1. Respect Yourself
2. Respect Others
3. Respect Your School

We will meet as a class and decide what these rules mean for us and then we will create our own sub-group of rules under each of the three previously stated rules.

Behavioral expectations for the children are clearly defined and the consequences are also explained to each child. In our classroom we operate on a 100 point system each day. At the end of each day, you will receive a behavior report from our classroom notifying you of how many points your child earned for the day. Please sign the report, comment if necessary and return it with your child the following day.